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Unarmed Security Guards

Choose Peace of Mind. Choose Tactical Elite.

Professionally Trained Security Guards

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What We Do

Security Services

With a combined fifty years of security and law enforcement experience, we recognize that preventing crime requires tactical approaches rather than relying solely on accusations and traditional methods.
Our emphasis on unarmed security services revolves around the nuanced application of verbal judo-an art proven to be exceptionally effective in deescalating tense situations without resorting to force or accusations.
By prioritizing communication and strategic engagement, our unarmed security personnel excel in diffusing potential threats while maintaining a safe environment.
Tactical Elite Protective Services

Conflict Resolution Expertise

Our unarmed security personnel are extensively trained in conflict resolution techniques, emphasizing verbal deescalation and diplomacy to defuse potential confrontations. Unarmed security companies create a secure environment that minimizes the risk of escalation, promoting safety without unnecessary force.
Tactical Elite Protective Services

Risk Mitigation Through Prevention

Unarmed security services are geared towards proactive risk mitigation through preventive measures. By identifying and addressing potential security concerns before they escalate, our personnel act as a deterrent to criminal activities, helping you avoid incidents rather than simply responding to them.
Tactical Elite Protective Services

Security Guards Worldwide

Expand your horizons with our global security solutions tailored to meet the challenges of an interconnected world. With a network spanning across borders, our expertise ensures consistent and reliable security services wherever your operations take you, providing a seamless, protective embrace on a global scale.

Professional Security Services Company

Proactive Consulting

Rapid Response

Global Reach & Support


Frequently Asked Questions

Our supervisory team boasts a minimum of 10 years of experience in law enforcement or 12 years in the military. Additionally, they undergo specialized training in security management, crisis response, and customer service to ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills to effectively lead our security operations.
Our contracted guards are available round-the-clock, seven days a week. Whether it’s addressing client concerns, coordinating security measures, or providing quality assurance checks, our supervisors are readily accessible to ensure seamless communication and exceptional customer service.
Our team is dedicated to maximizing the value of security investments for businesses. Through meticulous planning, resource allocation, and performance monitoring, we strive to optimize security operations while minimizing unnecessary expenses. By implementing efficient security strategies and leveraging technology to enhance effectiveness, our supervisors help businesses achieve a balance between cost-effectiveness and uncompromising security standards.
At Tactical Elite, maintaining consistent quality across our security operations is a top priority. We achieve this through rigorous training programs, standardized protocols, and regular quality assurance checks conducted by our experienced supervisory team. Additionally, we foster a culture of accountability and excellence, ensuring that our commitment to quality is upheld at every location, whether nationwide or globally.

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